Low-Priced Web Hosting Packages
With the moderately priced shared web hosting plans you have the ability to set up and manage your own personal web sites with simple point-and-click actions, even if you have no technical ability. You will get all the features that you need: e-mail boxes, databases to save your web site's content, FTP accounts to implement fast file transfers, etc. In total, there are more than 140 features offered by each web hosting package, and that's not all! Ace Hosts's intuitive web hosting Control Panel, available in over 15 languages, coming with every shared web hosting package, is everything that you require in order to administer your web sites.
A Charge-Free Site Builder with All Web Hosting Packages
Let's take a glimpse now at Ace Hosts's inexpensive general-purpose hosting packages. These hosting packages offer unmetered web storage space and web traffic allocations and will suit any website hosting demands. They offer different functionalities, which will enable you to host all types of websites – from a small-sized personal blog or community site to large-sized business portals and resource-devouring e-commerce portals. Ace Hosts also includes a fabulous free present – an online web site building tool. It will permit you to set up your own site within minutes, choosing from an extensive set of personal and business web design themes.
A Charge-Free Web Apps Installer with All Web App-Based Hosting Packages
The company's CMS hosting plans come with a free installation of these famous web apps, and all the required resources to keep your Joomla-, Moodle-, WordPress-, or 4images-based web sites up and running all the time. With each and every web hosting plan, you obtain Ace Hosts's charge-free, automatic Popular PHP Scripts Installer, offering a single-click installation of many widely used web apps. You can create online blogs, message boards, online photo albums, web stores, and many more. Once your sites and applications go live, you can count on Ace Hosts to keep them up and running ninety-nine point nine percent of the time. There's no reason not to try this impressive hosting service, since Ace Hosts offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Advanced, Cut-Price Web Server Hosting Services
For those of you with increasing website hosting requirements, Ace Hosts has added a special selection of advanced web hosting solutions like Virtual Private Servers, semi-dedicated hosting solutions and even dedicated servers. They all include an incredible ninety-nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee and involve no registration taxes. If you are not happy with your current web hosting accounts provider, then do something about it – join Ace Hosts! Simply pick a package, which satisfies your necessities, and then complete Ace Hosts's quick and easy signup form.
No matter what your particular website hosting requirements are, Ace Hosts has the right web hosting plan for you.
So, purchase web hosting plans from Ace Hosts now, it only takes a few seconds and Ace Hosts assures you that you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain!
Business | Corporate | Enterprise | Starter | Unique IP Plan |
Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage |
Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth |
5 websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | 1 website hosted | 4 websites hosted |
30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial |
$4.75 / month | $10.75 / month | $15.08 / month | $3.58 / month | $7.65 / month |